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Experience our area's best businesses at a
Half-Off Price!

Thank you for visiting "Half Price Deals!"

We've worked out deals with some of our area's best businesses to give you 1/2 off gift certificates - That's right, 50% off and more!

Each week we will feature a business of the week. At 12:00 PM each Monday, we'll open up the ONLINE store for that week's business. But you have to be fast - we are only able to provide a limited number of gift certificates per week.

Have fun and Happy shopping! And keep checking back for more half-off certificates from "Half Price Deals!"

Super Sale! Click Here!!

This site is operated by a third party and WDHA and WMTR are not responsible for the content, advertising or business practices of this site. WDHA and WMTR are not responsible if a merchant that has offered a Half Price Deal goes out of business.